
March 24th, 2020.

New Zealand is at COVID-19 Alert Level 4 and in a declared Civil Defense Emergency which means everything is closed except for essential services, and Kiwis are urged to stay at home.

Since we’re working from home too, we felt like it was a good idea to update you in a bit more detail on what we’ve been working on, and how we’re managing COVID-19 in our organisation.

It’s all been a bit of a shock really, so we’ve needed to take a wee bit of time to wrap our heads around the magnitude of it all.

Naturally, our first point of concern was the hundreds, if not thousands, of young workers who are going to have their hours cut, be made redundant, stuck in isolation without pay, who won’t be able to pay their basic living costs.

This time is going to be really difficult, and the YWRC still want to do everything in our power to provide employment advocacy and advice to those in need.

Our office is now closed until further notice, which means no one is there to answer the phone, and we’ll be limiting face-to-face appointments. But you can still get in touch with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and of course via the Contact Us page on our website.

Obviously, our next main point of concern was employment education workshops to be delivered inside the next month, and the hundreds of rangatahi who may well have missed out on some of the most important education they’ll ever receive.

The YWRC is in a state of flux as we figure out, and wait to find out when schools will reopen, if they’ve still got room for us in their schedules, whether there will be enough community funding to go around the many non-profit organisations also hit by this crisis, how/if the government can contribute, and how effected the Centre really is by COVID-19 and its aftermath.

Currently for us, as it is for many of you, it’s a waiting game. We’re keeping things running as smoothly as possible, still with an ultimate vision of achieving a fair and just future for every one.

How we achieve that vision looks a little different every day, but rest assured that the Young Workers Resource Centre is still fighting the good fight, and soon enough we hope to be back bigger and better than ever before.

Until then, keep your loved ones safe, shop normally if you really have to go out, and otherwise please stay at home and help us kick this virus’ ass!