by Mel Martin Once upon a time Catherine Hodges, a bright, young activist living in the Tron dared to dream up a world where every single person has access to education and empowerment that provides them a fair and just future. Catherine’s way of contributing to...
Business leaders are whinging about employment law changes – what does that mean for workers? Welcome to our new YWRC column ‘Tony’s Bants… A column series where YWRC Business Manager Tony Stevens will vent his spleen on a current...
Are employers allowed to cut your pay rate because they feel like it? Welcome to our new YWRC column ‘Tony’s Bants… A column series where YWRC Business Manager Tony Stevens will vent his spleen on a current employment-related issue....
Stories like this one from are proof that 90 Day Trial Periods aren’t working. For anyone. Here at the Centre, we’re under no illusions that every single young person seeking advocacy for a workplace issue, is a perfect wee angel. We know that...
The new year arrived with a hiss and a bang; and by that I actually mean high winds, and a tonne of water and rain. Not that I’m complaining that it isn’t bleedingly hot, but it certainly isn’t the stunning Summer many of us had hoped for. So with...