
Happy 2017 Young Workers!

The YWRC is officially back open for business after a summer of rejigging, rejuvenating, and a bit of sweating!

We’ve got a tonne of interesting things happening with the 2017 General Election rolling around a bit later this year. We’ll be campaigning for young people like yourselves to get out and vote; which means you’ll be hearing a lot about why we think participating in the voting process is so important. And we’ll be feeding you some handy tidbits to make some of the elections jargon a bit easier to understand.

We’re also super stoked that we will be moving back into an old/new office! “Old/new” because we were based out of a different office in the Waikato Trade Union Centre a long time ago, and had to move when a portion of the building was deemed unsafe in the event of an earthquake or major catastrophe.

Now that the building has been newly strengthened, and earthquake-proofed we’re allowed to move back into our old office, with nice new carpet, plenty of power points, and heaps of natural light from the outside world! We’ll still be on the ground floor though, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding us if you need to.

Alongside all that, we’ll be hitting a secondary school near you very soon with our revitalised Minimum Employment Rights and Responsibilities workshop, and an updated version of our employment resource ‘The Whole Picture’.

It’s all very exciting here at the Centre, so feel free to stop by and say hi, check out the TUC renovations, and book in a workshop or two.

Mel & Erina